
Upcoming Events

BOUCHERCON in San Diego, US, 30 August to 3 September, 2023

Saturday 2 September, 8:55am

Travel by the Book: Mysteries set in other countries

Michael (Michael Stanley)


Sharon Lynn (Moderator)

Carlene O’Connor

David Bishop

J Woollcott

Jefferey Siger

Sunday 3 September, 9:00 am

Around the World: Locations to Kill In

Stanley (Michael Stanley)

Paula B. Mays (Moderator)

Ann Saxton Reh

Annamaria Alfieri

Recordings of events

It’s been wonderful to meet all the enthusiastic readers at the US events! Catch up on the new Detective Kubu mystery A Deadly Covenant, and find out about Botswana and collaborative writing, by watching the launch event at Once Upon A Crime bookstore in Minneapolis with Mary Anne Grossman, and Stanley being interviewed by Barbara Peters at The Poisoned Pen bookstore in Scottsdale AZ below: